April 2nd 2012 (corrected June 5)
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are delighted to submit to the organizational information, including the final program. We are grateful for your active participation thanks to which we have been able to compose a very appealing program, a rich basis for a vivid interdisciplinary exchange on the topic.
The final program of the Seminar is given hereafter.
But this will only be possible if all speakers strictly adhere to the time limits. We have an extremely dense program. Each speaker has a 30 minutes slot. The presentation must be no longer than 20 minutes, 10 minutes remaining for discussion. This is only possible if the powerpoint or overhead presentations are limited to a maximum of 18 slides, including the title slide. Please remember that an oral presentation is always a summary of what one has to say and cannot mimic the detailed form of a written manuscript. So you will certainly understand that we will be obliged to strictly enforce our time plan in order to have a smooth and pleasant course of our seminar.
All the more so, we invite our contributing participants to submit their materials (in the form of scientific articles — Guidelines for authors: http://en.biocosmology.ru/electronic-journal-biocosmology—neo-aristotelism/guidelines-for-authors) to the next issue of our journal “Biocosmology – neo-Aristotelism”). We plan to make this issue in May (the deadline for manuscripts submission is April 31). We sincerely encourage you to contribute!
As for the presentation in the Seminar, a beamer, a laptop, an overhead projector and a white board will be installed. Bring your powerpoint slides on a stick. Please tell us if you need anything else for presentation.
A conference fee of 100 Euro per person (payable in cash on location) will be necessary in order to cover the meals and transportation. If our present attempts to receive a sponsoring are successful we might be able to reduce this fee.
On Saturday evening we will have a short meal right after the seminar, then depart for a cultural event that lasts one hour (19.30-20.30, classical music with dance/eurythmy), and then go to a nice place to have ice cream or desert together. On Sunday evening we will have a farewell dinner at 20.00. It would be great if you could participate at these events which will be without extra costs for you.
The following hotels have rooms reserved for the Seminar on Philosophy, Medicine and Biocosmology at Witten/Herdecke University. Please arrange your lodging directly with the hotel of your choice. Please note that rooms must be booked until May 15th !
GEORG Hotel (65 EUR per night, including breakfast) Stockumer Straße 31-37 D-58453 Witten Phone +49 2302 96026-0 info@georghotel.de | Lukas-Zentrum (38 EUR per night, breakfast available on request) Pferdebachstraße 39a D-58455 Witten Phone +49 2302 175-2616 info@lukaszentrum-witten.de |
We would be thankful if you could confirm your participation until May 1st by E-mail (marina.frieben@uni-wh.de).
Please also let us know if you participate on the cultural event on Saturday evening and/or on Sunday evening.In case of questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: marina.frieben@uni-wh.de
Looking very much forward to meeting you in Witten, and
Best regards
Dr. Konstantin Khroutski
Prof. Dr. Peter HeusserWitten/Herdecke University, Faculty for Health, School for Medicine
Center for Integrative Medicine, Chair for Theory of Medicine, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus, Gerhard-Kienle-Weg 4, 58313 Herdecke , Germany
Phone: +49 -2330 — 62 4760
E-Mail: peter.heusser@uni-wh.de
The final program
1st International Witten Seminar on Philosophy and Medicine, and 3rd International Seminar on Biocosmology Witten/Herdecke University
June 30th and July 1st, 2012, Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred Herrhausen Straße 50, D- 58448 Witten, Germany |
Aristotle, Biology, and Medical Anthropology in the 21st Century |
Scientific reductionism of the 19th and 20th centuries has lead to tremendous progress in medical sciences and civilization, but also to a one-sided emphasis on physical and technical aspects of human existence and reality. The increasingly problematic consequences of this development gradually lead to the insight that a more profound understanding of the human being, nature and the cosmos is necessary. The aim of this interdisciplinary seminar is to explore whether a modern application of central Aristotelian concepts can provide a more comprehensive approach to science and ethics in biology, medicine and related fields. This includes contributions from the history of science, philosophy and mathematics, physics and chemistry, biology, psychology, anthropology and various fields of medicine. |
Saturday, June 30th 2012 |
Opening Session: Chair: Peter Heusser General issues of ‘Bio’-Philosophy and New Forms of Aristotelism in Science and Ethics |
08.15 |
Welcome Address: Heusser, Peter & Khroutski, Konstantin |
08.30 |
Khroutski, Konstantin S. — Veliky Novgorod, Russia: The Formula of Biocosmology (neo-Aristotelism) – Bio-3/4 |
09.00 |
Kettner, Matthias. — Witten/Herdecke, Germany: On the Ambivalence of Aristotelianism in Modern Ethics |
09.30 |
Kozlov, Victor K. — St. Petersburg, Russia: The Biocosmological Approach in Modern Medicine: The General Line and Central Points |
10.00 Break |
10.30 |
Takahashi, Takao. — Kumamoto, Japan: Cosmological Worldview in the Age of Co-disaster |
11.00 |
Sass, Hans-Martin. — Bochum, Germany: A Biocosmological Imperative |
11.30 |
Kofler, Walter. – Innsbruck, Austria: An „Extended view“ on the evolution of physical reality, live, emotion, social structures and virtuality as fundament for a comprehensive understanding of health and sustainability |
12.00 Lunch |
Session 2: Chair: Victor Kozlov Biocosmological/ Neo-Aristotelic Concepts in Evolutionary Biology |
14.00 |
Chapouthier, Georges. — Paris, France: Mosaic structures in living beings in the light of modern philosophical positions |
14.30 |
Rini, Enrico. — Milano, Italy: Aristotle and Modern Taxonomy |
15.00 |
Epstein, Veniamin B., Dogadina Tatjana V., Gorbulin Oleg S. and Komaristaya Victoria P. — Wuppertal, Germany & Kharkov, Ukraine: Crisis in evolutionary systematics in the light of Aristotle´s teaching on the essences |
15.30 |
Rosslenbroich, Bernd. — Witten/Herdecke, Germany: Organismic systems biology as a way to reintroduce Aristotle’s unity of matter and form into biological research |
16.00 Break |
Session 3: Chair: Matthias Kettner Philosophical and Mathematical Aspects of Neo-Aristotelism/Biocosmology |
16.30 |
Tanabé, Susumu. — Istanbul, Turkey: On Aristotelian genus (το γένος) notion and natural science after Cartesian revolution |
17.00 |
Zhang, Lu. — Beijing, China & Berlin, Germany: The reintroduction of Aristotelian form in Leibnizian substance in 17th century |
17.30 |
Tasić, Milan. — Nis, Serbia: On the final cause in Aristotle. Biocosmology and the category theory in mathematics |
18.00 – 18.30 The day´s Summary: Chair: Hans-Martin Sass |
18.30 Supper 19.30 Cultural Event |
Sunday, July 1st, 2012 |
Session 4: Chair: Konstantin Khroutski Applications of Biocosmological and Aristotelian Principles in Studies of the Mind, History, Medical Anthropology, Physiology, Diagnostics, and Pharmacology |
08.30 |
Yoo, Kwon Jong. – Seoul, Korea: Study of the human mind: From Confucianism to modern history, and coming back and moving forward in spiral development to Confucianism (Biocosmological aspects) |
09.00 |
Guja, Cornelia. — Bucharest, Romania: Elements of biocosmological anthropology. Informational integration by archetypal forms |
09.30 |
Kozlov, Victor & Yarilov, Sergey — St. Petersburg, Russia: Multilevel systemic-functional estimation of safe health: use of possibilities in modern medicine |
10.00 Break |
10.30 |
Heusser, Peter. — Witten/Herdecke, Germany: Rudolf Steiner’s renewal of aristotelic principles in modern science and medicine |
11.00 |
Wong, Ming. — Allston, MA, USA: The theory of yin and yang in TCM and Biocosmology |
11.30 |
Sun, Wei. — Hannover, Germany: The characteristics of Aristotelianism in the Neo-Scholasticism |
12.00 Lunch |
14.00 |
Aksenenka, Jevgeni & Khroutski, Konstantin.- Veliky Novgorod, Russia: Cardiometasympathetic nervous system – as the object for pharmacological treatment |
14.30 |
Liu, Xiaoting. — Beijing, China: Natural history and the return of life experience |
15.00 |
Karpov, Anatoliy V. & Yurov, Alexander. — Veliky Novgorod, Russia: Problems and prospects of the treatment of Tuberculosis: Biocosmological constituents |
15.30 Break |
Session 5: on-line video-conference Chair: Georges Chapouthier Additional Concepts of Biocosmology and Neo-Aristotelism in Modern Science (on-line) |
16.00 |
Chadov, Boris. — Novosibirsk, Russia: The Biocosmology Categories |
16.30 |
Grinchenko, Sergei N. — Moscow, Russia: Aristotelian Purposeful Reason and Biological Modeling |
17.00 |
Suteanu, Cristian. — Halifax, Canada: Laws, Learning, and Adaptation Processes. Implications of Information Management |
Closing Session: Summary, Conclusions, Organizational Issues of the BCA and Future Prospects |
17.30 Discussion, all participants, chair: Konstantin Khroutski & Peter Heusser |
18.30 Adjourn |
20.00 Farewell Dinner |
Contributing Participants
· Jevgeni AKSENENKA, student, Institute of Medical Education, Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russia
· Adina BACIU, PhD, Fr. I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
· Boris CHADOV, Prof., Institute of Cytology and Genetics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
· Georges CHAPOUTHIER, Prof., Centre Emotion, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique CNRS, Hopital Salpetriere, Paris, France
· Tatjana V. DOGADINA, Prof., V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine
· Veniamin M. EPSTEIN, Prof. em., Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Wuppertal; Germany
· Sergei N. GRINCHENKO, Prof., Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
· Oleg S. GORBULIN, Ph.D., Ass. Prof., V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine
· Cornelia GUJA, PhD, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Fr. I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
· Peter HEUSSER, Prof., Chair for Theory of Medicine, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Herdecke, Germany
· Anatoliy V. KARPOV, Prof., Institute of Medical Education, Novgorod State University after Yaroslav-the-Wise, Veliky Novgorod, Russia
· Matthias KETTNER, Prof., Chair for Practical Philosophy, Faculty for Cultural Sciences and Philosophy, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany
· Walter W. KOFLER, Prof. em. for Social Medicine and Hygiene, Medical University of Innsbruck, President of the International Academy of Sciences – Health and Ecology, Innsbruck, Austria
· Victoria P. KOMARISTAYA, Ass. Prof., V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Kharkov, Ukraine
· Victor KOZLOV, Prof., Institute of High Medical Technologies, St. Petersburg State University, Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Department of Medical Chemistry, North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg, Russia
· Konstantin S. KHROUTSKI, PhD, Institute of Medical Education, Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav-the-Wise, Veliky Novgorod, Russia
· Xiaoting LIU, Prof., College of Philosophy and Sociology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
· Enrico RINI, PhD, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
· Bernd ROSSLENBROICH, PD, PhD, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Morphology, Center for Biomedical Education and Research, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany
· Hans-Martin SASS, Prof., Center for Medical Ethics, Medical Faculty, Ruhr University, Bochum; Germany; Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
· Wei SUN, PhD-student, Leibniz Stiftungsprofessur, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany
· Cristian SUTEANU, Associate Prof., Geography Department & Environmental Science Program, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada
· Takao TAKAHASHI, Prof., Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
· Susumu TANABE, Prof., Department of Mathematics, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey
· Milan TASIC, Prof., Department of Social Sciences, Teacher’s Training Faculty, University of Niš, Serbia
· Ming WONG, MD, family practice, Allston MA, USA
· Kwon Jong YOO; Prof., Dept. of Philosophy, Dean, College of Humanities; Chung-ang University. Seoul, Korea
· Alexander YUROV, student, Institute of Medical Education, Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav-the-Wise, Veliky Novgorod, Russia
· Lu ZHANG, candidate PhD, College of Philosophy and Sociology in Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China; Institute of Philosophy, Free University, Berlin, Germany