Abbreviated key title: Biocosmol. – neo-Aristot.
Parallel title: Биокосмология – нео-Аристотелизм
Bilingual Electronic Journal
of Universalizing Scientific and Philosophical Research
based upon the Original Aristotelian Cosmological Organicism
ISSN: 2225-1820
Volume 2, Number 4, Autumn 2012
Official organ of the Biocosmological Association –
Place and time of origination:
At the Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav-the-Wise,
Veliky Novgorod, Russia;
On the July 24th, 2010
276 |
Walter KOFLER• Epistemological and ontological tools for an extended view of a human person as a social being and its environments |
279 |
Cornelia GUJA• Elements of Biocosmological Anthropology: Informational communication by archetypal forms |
299 |
Sergey N. GRINCHENKO• Aristotelian goal-driven cause and biological modeling |
319 |
Ming WONG• The theory of Yin and Yang in TCM and Biocosmology |
326 |
Nader GHOTBI• Foundations of secular bioethics, a biocosmological approach |
339 |
Владимир В. ДРОЖДИН, Екатерина В. ГЕРАСИМОВА, Роман Е.ЗИНЧЕНКО, Максим В.КОНДРАШИН• Семантическая организация самоорганизующейся информационной системы |
345 |
Татьяна БЫСТРОВА• Развитие Аристотелевского учения о форме в архитектуре |
360 |
Борис Ф. ЧАДОВ• Циклическая модель образования материи и феномен сознания |
376 |
Alexey A. KOCHERGIN and Albert N. KOCHERGIN• Human being and biosphere: A Noospheric perspective |
398 |
Makoto OZAKI• Religion and the state: from Tanabe‘s dialectical perspective |
406 |
Сергей А. ГУБАНОВ• Нео-онтологический подход к современной культурной ситуации в молодежной среде |
411 |
416 |
Notes for Contributors (Правила для авторов) |
419 |