The given principle is treated as a cornerstone foundation of the Biocosmological Association (BCA): Biocosmological development is possible exclusively in a form of the global collaboration of scientists around the world. In fact, the organic world (as it is perceived in Aristotelism) is possible in the normal (effective) existence only when the natural interaction of all organs is carried out – the organs that precisely constitute together the single global organism (by virtue of the realization of their inherent functionalist activity). In this connection, Biocosmological development is basically impossible if we do not realize the interrelation of the belongingness of our works (their results) with the goals of a safe (well-being) development of the world as organic whole and, for this, – realizing the effective interCOaction of scientists from different countries (as representatives of various organs in developing spheres of the one whole world).
Naturally, in this approach, – a “geographical” principle was needed to be put forward. Thus, during a preceding long-term spadework, and also relying on results of the special session at the First International seminar on Biocosmology and the following coordination, – the principal organ was generated. This «Steering Council of the BCA» consists of the elected President of Association and vice-presidents from the various countries and regions of the world. Victor Konstantinovich Kozlov, Professor from St.-Petersburg has been elected by the general voting as the first President of BCA, for the period of two years from July 2010 to July 2012, at the special session of the First International Seminar on Biocosmology in Veliky Novgorod, on July 24th, 2010. New presidential elections were held in Seoul, on December 14th, 2012. During the organizational session of the 4th International Seminar on Biocosmology, Prof. Kwon Jong YOO unanimously was elected the President of the BCA.
The Third President of the BCA – for the period 2015-2016 – is elected by open ballot during the special session of the 8ISBC, in Seoul, on November 12, 2014 – he is Xiaoting LIU, professor at the Beijing Normal University, who was elected unanimously. Now, we wish him every success in carrying out new developmental perspectives for the Biocosmological Association!
Former membership of the BCA directorate (2015-2016):
· President of the Biocosmological Association (BCA) – Xiaoting Liu (China);
· Immediate past president of the BCA – Kwon Jong Yoo (Korea);
· Vice-president of the BCA for America – Anna Makolkin (Canada);
· Vice-president of the BCA for the Near East – Rahid Khalilov (Azerbaijan);
· Vice-president of the BCA for Europe – Milan Tasic (Serbia);
· Vice-president of the BCA for Japan – Takao Takahashi (Kumamoto);
· Vice-president of the BCA for India – Michael Anjello Jothi Rajan (Tamil Nadu);
· Vice-president of the BCA for Germany – Peter Heusser (Witten/Herdecke);
· Vice-president of the BCA for France – Georges Chapouthier (Paris);
· Vice-president of the BCA for the European Russia – Sergey N. Grinchenko (Moscow);
· Vice-president of the BCA for Siberia – Boris F. Chadov (Novosibirsk);
· Secretary of the BCA – Konstantin S. Khroutski (Veliky Novgorod)
The next significant functional element of the BCA is the special working body that is representing a kind of the “kernel” of a current Biocosmological organization and which is carrying out the functions of a constantly operating Organizing Committee – implementing preparations of the planned scientific meetings and other actions, reception of new members into the BCA; and, simultaneously, – accomplishing the functions of Editorial Board of the BCA’s journal «Biocosmology – neo-Aristotelism».
At the official launching meeting of BCA (in Veliky Novgorod; July 24, 2010), the essential ‘staff turnover’-principle was introduced and accepted, in accordance with the general Functionalist (neo-Aristotelian, virtual) orientation in the energies of the Biocosmological Association. Its other designation is the principle of ‘Functionalist activity’. This principle signifies that while (until) any Board Member of the BCA remains to be interested and actively engaged in the development of the Association – her/his agency is welcome in all respects and for any period of the wholesome activity. On the contrary, if her/his interests and activity are reconfigured to pursue other (but apart from BCA) goals, and s/he does not express the activity over a year, then it means the self-dismissal – removal of this colleague – from the guiding structures of BCA.
During the last BCA meetings (in Beijing, 2015; Athens, 2016; and Krakow, 2017), respectively to the Organizational sessions of these recent BCA-symposiums – the Functionalist principle (that is foundational for the BCA activity, see below, and which relates to our organizational structures, including Board members and the BCA Vice-presidents) has been essentially explored, discussed and developed. Eventually, as a result, the revision and adoption (unanimously) of changes in the organizational structures of the Association has been realized in Krakow (see); and the Functionalist approach was adopted (in the work of the “vice-presidents” apparatus, instead of, as initially – the Geographic principle), of all that is aimed at the successful development and achievement of the objectives of the BCA. As a result (as has been accepted at the Krakow’s 14ISBC), the current structure of the BCA’s vice-presidents body has the following meaning:
Current membership of the BCA directorate (2017- ):
- President of the Biocosmological Association (BCA) – Xiaoting LIU (China);
- Immediate past president of BCA – Kwon Jong YOO (Korea);
The Vice Presidents, in charge with the main focus areas for research:
- Comparative Civilization Studies – Anna MAKOLKIN (Canada);
- Cybernetic modeling of inanimate and animate nature systems – Sergey N. GRINCHENKO (Russia);
- Integrative medical anthropology – Peter HEUSSER (Germany);
- Naturalist logic – Milan TASIĆ (Serbia);
- Integrative biology – Georges CHAPOUTHIER (France);
- Contemporary information conceptions – Rudolf KLIMEK (Poland);
- Dynamic naturalism as the matrix for contemporary teleological physics – Konstantin S. KHROUTSKI (Russia)