Guidelines for authors

• The publishers, editors and the BCA Board are not legally responsible for any opinions expressed by the contributors which may not necessarily reflect their own. It is the responsibility of the authors to document their text properly by international academic standards. IN SUBMITTING ANY WORK(s), the AUTHOR RELEASES THE JOURNAL AND THE EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS, AND THE ASSOCIATION FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

• Articles submitted for publication to the journal “Biocosmology – neo-Aristotelism” (Journal) are given serious consideration.

• The positive result of reviewing (“the article deserves publication”) means that the submitted article contains new interesting materials and satisfies the aims of BCA development.

• Editors consider for publication in the Journal only original articles which have not been published previously.

• Each article should normally consist of the following elements:

o   a title page with title of article, name(s) of author(s) and address(es) where the work was carried out;

o   an abstract – up to 15 lines;

o   keywords (no more than 10);

o   the text;

o   illustrations (figures, schemes, photographs, tables, graphics);

o   the list of references;

o   author’s (co-authors’) information:

–       full name;

–       academic degree and position;

–       affiliation;

–       postal address, E-mail address, phone and fax numbers (to contact the author if needed).

• When submitting article to the Journal, authors are requested by editors to follow the guidelines (see below):

1. Maximum recommended length of an article (including an illustrative material, tables, and the list of references) is 40.000 signs, including word spaces. In turn, if a paper is prepared for the sections: “Facts. Comments. Notes” and “Scientific life” – then its length must not exceed 9.000 signs; and for the section “Reflections over the new book” – no more than 18.000 signs (including word spaces).

2. The article submitted to the postal address is prepared in two copies.

3. How to prepare an article:

  •  Article is prepared only in Microsoft Word (version 6.0/95 and later);
  •  Page format is A4;
  • Font – Times New Roman, font size – 14; line spacing – unary; indentation – 1,0;
  • Footnotes – paginal;
  • Tables (figures, graphics, etc.) are fully embedded in the Word document (are positioned in the corresponding place of an article) and supplied as separate files where possible. The list of figures (etc.) and the signature to them are supplied separately and are not placed in the main text. However, there must be a reference to the figure in the corresponding place of an article. Tables should be numbered serially and referred to in the text by number (table 1, etc.). Each table should have an explanatory caption placed over a tabular field, and figures – caption signatures.

4. Exclusively the accepted (in the International System of Units) abbreviations and acronyms are permitted to be used – abbreviations of measures, physical, chemical and mathematical symbols and terms, etc. All acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly explained when they first appear in the text, and all units used should be consistent throughout the article

5. References: the alphabetic (Harvard) system is used – the name of the author appears in the text (in square brackets) together with a year of the publication, e.g. [Ivanov, 2001] or Ivanov [2001] (as appropriate). Where there are only two authors both names should be given in the text [Ivanov and Pavlov, 2001] or Ivanov and Pavlov [2001]. However, if there are more than two authors only the first name should appear followed by et al, [Ivanov et al, 2001] or Ivanov et al [2001]. If a reference is given to different works by one author or group of authors in the same year they should be differentiated by including a, b, etc, after the date (e.g. 2001a). If you refer to different pages of the same article, the page number may be given in the text (using the two-spot), e.g. [Ivanov, 2001, p.100]. The reference list at the end of the article should be given in alphabetic order. A complete reference should consist of: name(s) – surname and first name (separated by a comma), date published (in parentheses), title of the article or book (in italics), name of the journal (in italics), volume and number (in parentheses), for books – editors (if any), town of publication and publisher, and finally the page number(s), e.g.:  Ivanov, Ivan A. (1979). New approaches to treatment of diseases. Therapeutic archive, 5(3):4-10. The name of a journal or book is given in full.  

6. Illustrations: the article is supplied by the adequate number of figures (schemes, graphics, tables). Color illustrations are accepted. Designations in the figures are given in numerals. Figures can be reduced by 1.5-2 times without compromising their quality.

7. Authors are expected to realize the style of their articles in the manner that corresponds to criterion «clear and laconic».

8. In the case of rejection the submitted article, editors send to the author a corresponding notice with the explanation of reasons (for the refusal of publication).

9. Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the submitted (published) article.